Hy! I AmSunil Kumar BiswalFrontend Developer with high level of experience in web designing and development, producting the Quality work
AboutMeMotivated and efficient Full-stack web developer with a history of education in BBA
and an interest in coding. Working with MERN stack and programming languages like JavaScript
catalyzed my curiosity for web development. I have worked in collaborative environments
demonstrating my coding and interpersonal skills to meet deadlines.
Looking forward for some interesting and challenging opportunities.
Full Stack Web DevelopmentMasai SchoolNovember 2021 - June 2022
Bachelor of Business AdministrationDeenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and TechnologyApril 2018 - July 2021
Personal Infosunilbiswal01092001@gmail.com+91-8569809194Sonipat. Haryana
Skilled at operating withrange of Tech StackKnowledge of developing Restful web services with Express and NodeJS.
Deep understanding with advanced Javascript concepts, such as Prototype, Closure and Promise.
Strong knowledge of MongoDB as well as SQL server
and write SQL queries, stored procedures and data base normalizations.
Team player with excellent communication, Trouble shooting, Debugging and
Strong analytical problem solving skills to deliver Technology products and consulting solutions.
Recent ProjectsPortfolio


Clone of the popular entertainment video site Youtube. Built on HTML , CSS for front end and used official youtube API. It's an individual project executed in 1 day.


Myntra Clone

First Backend Project with NodeJS, ExpressJS and MongoDB. Used EJS to render views. Main functionalities were : Register/Login using JWT, Sorting and Filtering in the backend, Cart and Wish List and many more.

food website

food website

A solo project on providing information of food receipe. Backend API for fetching data



Mini project of A classic blog website built using bootstrap.


Bewakoof.com clone

A project on famous printed articles T-shirt e-commerce website build using simple tech stack executed in 5 days;

news site

News website

my first project build using react Js and using API server calls build in 2 days

“Your Friends Do Matter.” what people get from me...
He is focused, reliable, and goal-oriented, which inspired us all to be more like him and always do our best. He is kind and an outstanding person and knows how to bring the best out of each person
There is no better colleague than Sunil. He is one of the most dedicated professionals I’ve worked with and is willing to put that extra help whenever you need it. His expertise as a developer is considerable, and it helped our team come up with more efficient solutions on different projects.
I started my programming journey along with him, and he helped me understand the concepts. His work ethics are pristine, and he is easily adjustable to a given situation. His ability to go out of his way to help others has made him stand out. Thanks a lot, man! You made the Masai journey smooth and more comfortable.
He is smart and handles every situation very carefully and in the right manner. He is punctual, hard-working, and has a good network for various business opportunities. I highly recommend working with him to get the best out of everything.
Get in TouchContact me